Постинги в блога
30.06.2012 15:26 -
BAD Models Management Looking For New Models And Faces – Book Your Castings At The Black Sea NOW!
Hi there awesome smiles!
We’re so happy to announce that our BAD Models’ team is
22.05.2012 13:42 -
FashionTV presents – Beach Photoshoot by Pavzo | FashionTV HOT – 22.05.2012 (video and photo)
Hi there guys!
07.05.2012 02:05 -
BAD Models Management - Managing the World of Fashion
Hi everyone!
It took a while since this long lasting idea evolve and was ready to
became a part of the real world, but I am glad it is all done now and it looks
It took a while since this long lasting idea evolve and was ready to
became a part of the real world, but I am glad it is all done now and it looks
10.04.2012 21:27 -
FashionTV presents Pavzo shooting sexy model Edelweiss
FashionTV presents Pavzo shooting sexy model Edelweiss
Hi there,
This is my last video for now that FashionTV added to their Official FTV Hottest Channel,
Hi there,
This is my last video for now that FashionTV added to their Official FTV Hottest Channel,
24.02.2012 09:59 -
Stalking Johanna – by ©Pavzo
Hi there,
This photo shooting was not planned at all. We had a brief conversation with
the model about certain look or style of the images, but at the end, the music took over
This photo shooting was not planned at all. We had a brief conversation with
the model about certain look or style of the images, but at the end, the music took over
21.02.2012 01:44 -
Hot News of the hour! My personal photo gallery in!
To make the long story short I will share only this… We are only 11 fashion photograpers,
chosen from the whole world to have our personal photo galleries in the biggest fashion
media in the world – FashionTV (
chosen from the whole world to have our personal photo galleries in the biggest fashion
media in the world – FashionTV (
02.11.2011 16:55 -
The princess of the enchanted forest - by©PAVZO
Hi there,
Today I am going to present you my last project. This was a project I
had in my mind for a very long time and a project, who was waiting
Today I am going to present you my last project. This was a project I
had in my mind for a very long time and a project, who was waiting
25.10.2011 19:58 -
FashionTV presents Bulgarian http://PAVZO.COM
Hi there,
As I previously had announced in one of my articles last month about FashionTV and http://PAVZO.COM
21.10.2011 04:19 -
Мария Илиева концерт в Пловдив, Кино Орфей (снимки, скоро и видео)
а това събитие е добре, че няма какво да говоря, защото то е повече от ясно.
За пореден път съм на едно място с жената, която има невероятния чар да
ви омае, копринения глас, който да ви замечтае и уникалната визия, която
За пореден път съм на едно място с жената, която има невероятния чар да
ви омае, копринения глас, който да ви замечтае и уникалната визия, която
16.10.2011 04:16 -
Winds with cherry names - Full Version by ©Pavzo
09.10.2011 03:20 -
PAVZO.COM Corporate Video - 09.10.2011
This is my company’s corporate video. I am showing the real perspective of something above the casual photography. The main goal is to reproduce the atmosphere and style of http://PAVZO.COM, the company’s philosophy. I hope ...
06.10.2011 16:08 -
Spa Centre Demetra Relax - рекламна фотография от PAVZO.COM
06.10.2011 04:46 -
Почина Стив Джобс - основателят на Епъл (1955-2011)
Един от вдъхновителите на няколко поколения почина
тази нощ след поредната борба с рака. Стив Джобс беше
един от най-мразените, най-уважаваните, най-богатите,
тази нощ след поредната борба с рака. Стив Джобс беше
един от най-мразените, най-уважаваните, най-богатите,
02.10.2011 22:42 -
България обяви своите искания! 02.10.2011г., Пловдив (видео)
Българите днес са отново заедно!
Масовите мирни протести срещу беззаконието и безразличието на властта
към случващото се в държавата най-накрая изкристализираха до конкретни
Масовите мирни протести срещу беззаконието и безразличието на властта
към случващото се в държавата най-накрая изкристализираха до конкретни
01.10.2011 11:43 -
My personal short message to all News Media in Bulgaria:
A short message to all the political corrupted news media in Bulgaria:
Dear betrayers, there is no ethnic peace in Bulgaria, because there’s no ethnic war here!!!
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